Patricia Rhoda Nekesa
2 min readAug 17, 2021


I promise I’m not copying Chrissy Teigen’s intro to her articles, this is mostly an article to myself in public as an accountability partner.

The Zuri Internship started over the last weekend and whew! if you aren’t the fittest, you may not survive. “This is an internship, not a training” is one of the statements that stuck with me. This, to me, means, please use your past learnings from all the years you’ve in this field and start solving problems. It means at some point; you must graduate and generate value for the world you live in. It means the actual dance has started and yes, you may help the google search algorithm all you want, but this time, do it for others and not only to increase your knowledge base.

So, here goes, I am part of the backend track and my stack is the MERN stack. The backend because I love functionality, how things work and the logic of their working. Also, the frontend is mostly for creatives and that side of my brain is still in development which makes me highly obsessive and looking for perfection in the look and feel of things. Backend it is folks.

At the end of the internship (not training!), I’d like to be a better programmer. To look at a problem, figure it out and know the most appropriate way of solving it with the tools I have. Speaking of the tools(frameworks), I promise to read the documentation to fully understand why and how they were created, to understand the original builder’s vision and use their tools in the ways they intended and because adventure feeds the soul, I promise to tweak and contribute to better ways these frameworks can be used.

I’m clearly still in generalizations, so to be specific, I promise to complete all the assignments in time (this is also general, but it needs this space, procrastination gots to go!) and maybe go the extra mile all those motivational speakers are always grinding on about. I promise to build awesome products

I’ve written before about git and GitHub which I will be using wholesomely to keep track of my projects and guarantee their survival for posterity. I’m not a total beginner in this field but to refresh my understanding I will be watching this tutorial on NodeJS and this one for HTML. Yes, yes, I know it’s a running joke in the developer world, to say you’re learning HTML but everything else depends on its existence, so respect the language. Finally, it’s really stupid to just keep in the kitchen and never see how the food you prepare is presented to the patrons so I will be using Figma to help with my creative juices and a simple beginner tutorial is this one.

Okay, Bye. It’s time to bring visions and goals to life.

Patricia Rhoda Nekesa
Patricia Rhoda Nekesa

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